The talent and technology behind New York's most beautiful smiles

Case Studies

Case Studies

Image of a failed dental implant caused by cement irritation
By Dr. Andrei Mark February 2, 2022
Dr. Andrei Mark discusses some of the most common causes of ailing and failing implants and prevention strategies.
By Dr. Andrei Mark August 18, 2021
The extraction of a fractured tooth near the gum line can be difficult. Dr. Mark proposes an innovative approach incorporating atraumatic extraction and rapid implant insertion in the case study below.
Dentist reviewing CT scan
By Andrei Mark, D.D.S., Board Certified in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery August 15, 2021
Dr. Mark's 3-month journey as he restores a failed implant procedure from start to finish.
Panoramic X-ray of  impacted wisdom tooth.
By Andrei Mark, D.D.S., Board Certified in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery May 10, 2021
Dr. Andrei Mark explains why removing wisdom teeth early can help avoid difficulties later on.
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